New Boiler Grants in Scotland: Are You Eligible?
The Scottish government is offering new boiler grants in Scotland under the ECO4 scheme to homeowners and tenants in Scotland to assist with the expense of replacing their outdated, inefficient boilers in light of the country’s very harsh winters. Thousands of homeowners in England, Scotland, and Wales have benefited from our assistance with their ECO4 […]
Eligibility Criteria for 100% Free Boiler Grants in Manchester Explained
We at Prisma Boiler Grants are ready to help you get your 100% free boiler grant in Manchester or the surrounding areas. We work with a government-sponsored program, the Eco4 scheme, to provide free boiler replacement grants to many homes and individuals. The free boiler grant does not require you to pay for equipment, installation, […]
The 5 Benefits of Installing a New Boiler: What You Need to Know
If you’re considering Benefits of Installing a New Boiler and need a guide, we’ve prepared a helpful guide that provides an overview of all the advantages of getting a new boiler in the UK. We’ll at Prisma Boiler Grants discuss energy efficiency and how replacing your outdated boiler can reduce energy expenses. We’ll also discuss […]
The Complete Guide to Free Boiler Grants for Those on Pension Credit Benefit
Do you live in the UK and receive pension credit benefits as a homeowner? If so, the government in Scotland, Wales, and England will pay for the replacement of your boiler. The cost to replace an old, damaged, or inefficient boiler might reach £4,000. But anyone receiving pension credit—can apply for an ECO4 Grant Scheme […]